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The FineArt Poster Collection

Dear Art and Fashion Lovers:

As the availability of the original Fine Art Limited Editions, Signed and Certified Prints is very limited / and expensive, we decided to offer an affordable (unsigned) poster version of each of our artworks, so you can hang it out on your wall of choice and enjoy both The Secret Life of Flowers and the Symmetric Mandala-like feeling of the Digital Petal Mutations that are the essential core concepts behind the Petallika Collection, which can certainly send you into a  peaceful, mindful, meditative and relaxed space. Art Meets Fashion Meets Inner Peace.

We decided not to ofer these cool posters for sale anywhere else, as to keep the whole package, the fashion garments, and the FineArt posters in our official and exclusive store right here, so no one can purchase these fantastic pieces but here!

Make a real, mindful! statement in any room with any of these framed posters, printed on high-quality paper, with a partly glossy, partly matte finish.

Note: Art lovers truly interested in the original, Limited Edition Certified Fine Art Prints on Aluminum metal in the original (large) sizes, please feel free to contact us, and we will gladly contact you with the artist for further